The Unique Touch Massage
"Live,Laugh and Love Pain Free"

Therapeutic Applications for Massages on Disorders

Therapeutic Applications for Massage on Disorders

Disorders of Nutrition:

Anemia and Chlorosis

They are more rapidly and permanently cured by massage than by any form of medication which has yet been proposed. With proper diet and hydrotherapy massage as a treatment is far excellence.

Anemia: measured by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin like fatigue-organs aren’t getting enough oxygen

Massage Techniques: Friction, kneading

Chlorosis: a condition in which leaves produce insufficient chlorophyll- meaning greenish, pale green iron deficiency anemia in young women

Massage Techniques: Friction, kneading


Massage has excellent results in a number of cases of myxoedema. If not capable of effecting a radical cure, massage at least has the power to prevent further advance of malady and can be used to improve the symptoms associated with it.

Myxoedema: a skin and tissue disorder usually due to severe prolonged hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism can be caused by atrophic disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Swelling of hands and feet and the face are common symptoms.

Massage Techniques: Derivative friction, Lymphatic massage – brings swelling down


Mental, nervous, Muscular fatigue, massage secures marked results; in muscular fatigue massage restores muscular power in a shorter amount of time.

Massage has a quieting effect on Nervous Irritability and Insomnia

Massage Techniques: Percussion vibration

Insomnia: Inability to sleep, sleeplessness, wakefulness, sleeping problems,

Massage Techniques: any sedative technique, centrifugal friction, and stroking, light percussion

Massage helps those who are elderly by relieving the infirmaries that are associated with that age

Massage Techniques: stroking the head and feet

Massage may be considered an excellent means of preventing against arterial-sclerosis (PAD) Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Heart diseases)

PAD: Hardening of arteries, narrowing of the blood vessels outside the heart

Massage Techniques: Gentle massage, gentle stroking


Diathetic Disorders

Diathetic: a hereditary predisposition of the body to a disease, a group of diseases, an allergy, or another disorder.

Massage is not a substitute for a regimen in which the disposition to a disease is due to obesity, chronic rheumatism and diabetes, but it is a valuable adjunct treatment.

(Increase nutrition to the muscle and tone the muscles).

Massage is helpful in Obesity when the person is unable to perform the active exercise necessary to affect a change in the client’s nutritive processes.

Massage is helpful in cases where rheumatism makes exercise impossible. It also helps relieve muscle soreness after the first attempts at exercise have been made.

Rheumatism: Pain of the muscles, chronic muscular rheumatism is pain and stiffness of the affected muscle. Articular rheumatism is swelling around the joints, limitation of movements.

In muscular rheumatism massage decreases the pain and helps to slow the muscular atrophy that accompanies the disease.

In articular rheumatism (arthritis) massage decrease the pain through its derivative action, promotes the absorption of inflammatory products, and restores lost mobility.

Massage Techniques: Derivative friction, Nerve compression, joint movements


Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Arthritis): Is a group of chronic, degenerative conditions that affect the joints, specifically the articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Its calcium builds up on the bone.

Massage can help in release muscle spasm and create space.

Massage helps in arthritis deformans Rheumatoid arthritis) and arthritic neuroses (cyst on a nerve), which often result from acute or chronic inflammation and injuries to the joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis- is a form of inflammatory arthritis which occurs in theUK… and other dev. Countries. It is an autoimmune disease thought of as a crippling disease and although it is responsible for much of the disability due to arthritis.

Massage Techniques: Derivative friction, Joint movements (passive movements of the joints), deep kneading for the muscles for pain relief


Massage is valuable in the treatment of diabetes accompanied by exhaustion or great weakness since the amount of exercise needed to burn the surplus sugar is impossible for them to perform.

Diabetes Mellitus: a condition in which the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin or when stop responding to the insulin that is produced so that glucose in the blood can’t be absorbed into the cells of the body (frequently. urination, excessive thirst, hunger). It’s a metabolic disease which has too high blood sugar glucose.

Finkler reported great improvement in diabetes patients that received a massage. Zimmer has shown that vigorous muscle, even at rest burn more sugar than feeble ones. Muscles are the furnace of the body and where most glycogen (sugar) is consumed. Larger and vascular muscles consume more sugar than feeble anemic ones. Massage and exercise cause them, therefore sugar consumption increases and the amount of sugar found in the urine decreases.

Massage more readily relieves the secondary fatigue brought on by exercise in those who suffer from dietetic disorders than any other means.

Massage Techniques: Centripetal friction to increase the circulation, deep kneading for the muscles with healthy tissues-helps dropping glucose levels, and Trigger points therapy is supportive, also stretching and lymphatic drainage is supportive


Circularly System

Massage of the heart can help those with cardiac weakness (not on the abdomen).

Massage and joint movements help those with chronic diseases of the heart (heart disease) by aiding circulation and thus relieving the heart of a portion of work. It also allows the heart to improve its nutrition.

In Edema and allied conditions centripetal friction of the extremities is most powerful of all means of aiding the venous and lymphatic circulation.

Edema: Is an excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue spaces or a body cavity. It is the increase of interstitial fluid in any organ.

After exercise, centrifugal friction quiets the circulation. Quieting the circulation is also helpful in insomnia from cerebral congestion ( implies a condition where there is an excess amount of blood in the blood vessels of the brain; can be due to too much sun exposure, blow to the head, or excess excitement). This method can also be used to assist those who have over developed hearts due to valvular disease or obstruction to the pulmonary circulation due to lung disease.

Massage Techniques: centripetal friction of the extremities is aiding venous & lymphatic circulation. Pneumatic compression massage is generally accepted by the medical community as a benefit in improving circulation and reducing swelling caused by edema.

Valvular Heart Disease : a potentially life-threatening cardiac valve disorder,characterized by the constriction or obstruction of blood vessels, in which a valve malfunctions so that blood is forced to flow backward rather than through the vessel. The condition may be present at birth or acquired as the result of an illness, such as rheumatic fever, syphilis, or bacterial endocarditis.

Mitral stenosis: a narrowing of the mitral valve, usually caused by rheumatic fever, resulting in an obstruction to the flow of blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle.

Aortic Valve Stenosis: narrowing of the aortic valve in the heart.

Description of Aortic Valve Stenosis

The aortic valve controls blood flow from the left ventricle to the aorta and the rest of the body. It opens when the ventricle contracts and closes when the ventricle relaxes. Aortic stenosis means that the aortic valve has become narrowed. The result is that the left ventricle must squeeze harder to get a sufficient amount of blood through the aortic valve with each beat. (Imagine trying to push the same amount of water through a small syringe needle as through a hose). The increased work load makes the muscle of the left ventricle grow thicker (hypertrophy). Eventually the heart muscle cannot keep up with the work load and begins to fail.

Raynaud’s Disease:

It is a circulatory disorder caused by insufficient blood supply to the hands and feet and resulting in cyanosis, numbness, pain, and, in extreme cases, gangrene.

Massage Techniques: In Raynaud’s disease no means is of greater valve than local massage, centrifugal friction, derivative friction, kneading, percussion and also joint movements.